Recipe: Elder-Cranberry Relish

Recipe: Elder-Cranberry Relish

Recipe: Elder-Cranberry RelishBy: Amber Finsel, The Winemaker's Wife
Published on: 07/09/2024

Raw cranberry relish is fall favorite in the Finsel house and the addition of our elderberry syrup adds warming spices as well as immune boosting goodness.

Recipe: Wild Elderberry Granola

Recipe: Wild Elderberry Granola

Recipe: Wild Elderberry GranolaBy: Amber Finsel, The Winemaker's Wife
Published on: 22/03/2024

Use Wild Elder's elderberry syrup to make homemade granola!

Wild Elder Celebrates Three Year Anniversary

Wild Elder Celebrates Three Year Anniversary

Wild Elder Celebrates Three Year AnniversaryBy: Amber Finsel, The Winemaker's Wife
Published on: 24/12/2023

The story of a small business that opened against all odds in 2020 during the covid-19 pandemic
